Paul’s message to the Thessalonian church is that life is hard, God is good, and glory is coming. But as Christians, we live in waiting—waiting for Christ to return in glory. While we wait, Paul encourages us to pray for the gospel to continue to spread, work quietly and earn our living (live as Christians where God’s planted us), and cultivate a healthy church.
Why do so many Christians seem to be fearful instead of hopeful when they think about the future? Though the end of the world is coming (and with it the Anti-Christ and his powers of deception) as Christians we can stand firm on the truth that God is sovereign!
You and I weren't created to live 70 or 80 years and then die. We were created for eternity. Every single human being is going to live forever in one of two places. If you're convinced that's true, how is it affecting your life today? How are you living in light of eternity?
The Apostle Paul's vision for the church is to be a peaceful family. But to be at peace is only possible through the God of peace. And because of his grace the church can be a faint glimmer of heaven on earth even now.
What happens to our loved ones when they die? And when will Jesus come again? These questions have stood the test of time. But the most important question we must answer is, "Are we awake and ready for Christ's return?"
Have you ever been stuck? Not in the snow...but in a pattern of sin? And no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get out? The good news is that God has called us to walk in holiness, and by his Spirit he can set us free. Find out how to get unstuck by watching this week's sermon!
More than ever, we are living in a world crying out for genuine friendships. Paul gives us an example in his friendship with the Thessalonians. He loved them fiercely with a deep care, concern, cost and commitment. When we love each other in this way, we tell the amazing story of the gospel, of the Friend who sacrificed everything to be in friendship with you.
Everywhere the gospel is preached, some receive it by faith and are changed by it to become more like Christ. But others reject the message and oppose those who believe. How have you responded to the message of the gospel? And how should Christians respond to those who oppose it? Watch this week’s sermon to hear more!
The Apostle Paul was a leader worth following as he not only shared the gospel but also his own life. Are you sharing your life with others? It's not always easy, but as we learn to give "gospel investments" of our time and love to others, we'll begin to flourish as a church family for the glory of God.
How do we live in a culture that is growing increasingly hostile to the gospel? Do we shrink back in fear...or shout back in anger? As we begin our new sermon series through the books of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, we see that these new believers were facing much affliction for their faith in Christ. And yet, the gospel had so radically transformed their lives that they were not only standing strong, they were engaging their community with faith, hope and love.