Simeon and Anna spent their whole lives waiting and praying for the Messiah. And then one day, they met him. Heading into a new year, Simeon and Anna’s story reminds us that our hope in 2019, and every year, isn’t in new habits, goals, or sticking to resolutions, but it’s in Jesus Christ, who came to save his people from their sins.
Just like that first Christmas, there are really only two responses to Jesus. We can worship Him like the wise men or resist Him like King Herod. How will you respond when you behold the true King? Thanks to all who served in so many ways to help make our Christmas Eve service a beautiful and worshipful experience for our community!
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In this well known Christmas text we see Mary singing a song of joy and praise despite her circumstances. So why did she sing? She sang because she saw her king. She knew that the baby she held in her arms was the prophesied Messiah, come to save the whole world, even her.
Why was Jesus born in a tiny town to an unremarkable couple and then visited by lowly shepherds? Because God loves to use the small and lowly to accomplish His purposes. He wants everyone to know that no matter their social status in this world, they are welcome to come to him just as they are.
We love Christmas because it's comfortable. We like the familiar traditions and sentimental feelings that come along with the season. And yet, when you look at the actual Christmas story in Scripture, it's anything but comfortable. Just ask Mary and Joseph! But through it all, God was doing something incredible. He was sending his own Son to be our Savior and our Immanuel - God with us. So in the end, Christmas isn't comfortable, but it shows us where true comfort is found - in Christ alone!
This week we begin our Christmas series, Behold Your King, taking a closer look at our great and mighty King Jesus. This week we looked at His four names given in Isaiah: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. We see that they are not just fancy titles but are meaningful for our lives right now.