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The story of Jesus walking on water is remarkable not just because Jesus did it, but because Peter, one of his disciples, did it too! In this story we see that Jesus is always teaching us to trust Him, sometimes by putting us in hard situations so that we have to depend on Him. If we keep our eyes on the great I AM, He will hold us to the end.
This is the only miracle that Jesus performed that is recorded in all four gospels. In this story we see his incredible patience with those who followed him, both his closest disciples and the masses who came to hear his teaching. Using details that point back to David’s writing in Psalm 23, we are reminded that Jesus takes care of our every need and we can rest in His finished work.
In this story of healing we see Jesus ask what seems to be an odd question: "Do you want to be healed?" After the man gives some excuses as to why that won't happen, Jesus heals him and then disappears. As we read this story, we are challenged to think about whether or not we really want to be healed and made whole and whether or not we really want to change.
In this sermon we look at a story of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean spirit. His father brought him before Jesus, asking him to heal him because the disciples had already tried and failed. Jesus heals him after the man confesses that his faith, although present is weak, revealing that it is better to have a small faith in Jesus than great faith in ourselves.
By this time in Jesus' ministry, word had spread about the amazing things that He said and did. In this story we see four friends who have such great faith in Jesus that they go to great lengths to bring their friend, the paralytic, to him. This story challenges us all to think about what lengths we would go to bring our friends and family to Jesus, the only one who can save them.
This is the first miracle that we see Jesus perform in the scriptures, and it is a foreshadowing of miracles to come. In this story we see Jesus turn water into wine, and in doing so, we are shown that he can also turn our shame into joy, our emptiness into abundance and our stone cold religion into life giving transformation.
This week we kicked off our new sermon series by looking at the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. In this story, we see firsthand that Jesus has power over death. Even after being in the tomb several days, Jesus simply calls out and tells Lazarus to come out, and he does! In the midst of the story, Jesus also responds to Mary and Martha's contrasting attitudes with compassion, making sure that they know that he is with them in the midst of their sorrow and that hope is not just a far off "someday" thing, but is available right now.