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Jesus is changing lives! He is working through us to bring the gospel to spiritually broken people - no matter what our background. And when we receive Jesus as Lord, His vision is that we would become deeply rooted followers who seek to rebuild and restore the next generation.
Life is often lonely and relationally hard. That's why we need friends to help us grow in our faith and finish well. But even the best of friends will let us down. Through it all, Jesus is the one flawless friend who will stand by us to the end. Is Jesus your friend?
Jesus welcomes us to his table of grace and then calls us to participate with him in opening up our hearts and our lives to those outside our normal circle of friends. There is still room at the table for more broken sinners like us.
In the first of a three part series on our mission of Know Christ, Grow in Christ, Sow Christ, we look at what Jesus really thinks of us. We find that God loves us unconditionally and comes to us in our brokenness, not after we have cleaned ourselves up. As we think about our relationship with Christ, we should be less concerned about what we are doing for Christ and more about who we are becoming in Christ.