From the moment Jesus was born, Satan has been seeking to make war on God's people. But we can counter his lies with the truth that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. No matter what Satan throws at us, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Suffering puts the promises of Romans 8 to the test. Is God really for me? Is he really working all things for my good? Am I really secure in Him? In this sermon, we focused on Romans 8:31-32, where Paul invites his readers to look at the Cross, and to see that God loves his people so much that he didn’t spare his own Son, and that because God didn’t spare his Son, we can be absolutely confident that he will give us everything we will ever need to persevere and to be conformed into the image of Christ.
As a Christian, you can be sure that all things work for good because God is the author of your story and from start to finish it's all for his glory. Though the doctrine of predestination raises all kinds of questions, it's meant to humble us and deepen our security in Jesus.
Romans 8:28 is one of the most well-loved verses in the Bible, and yet oftentimes one of the most misunderstood. When understood rightly, it's such a comfort for us to rest our weary souls in the storms and sufferings of life. This message also includes the stories of 7 real people at Oak Hill who have seen God work for their good in very difficult times.
Do you feel weak? In need of help? Jesus once said that having the Holy Spirit in you is better than having him walk right beside you (John 16:7). Let that sink in. So how does the Spirit help us--especially when we're at our weakest? Click to watch or listen.
How should we as believers respond to suffering in our lives? Paul says that we should have hope that our suffering is not meaningless, but that it is being used to sanctify us and make us more Christ-like. We should also keep our eyes on the future glory of heaven, which Jesus is preparing for us now.
This week our guest speaker was Tom Steller from Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis.
There's a "father ache" in all of us. Deep down we all want to loved and affirmed by our father. The good news of the gospel is that we can be fathered by God himself. By grace we can be adopted into his family and given a new identity and a glorious destiny beyond our wildest dreams.
In these two verses we see that because of Christ's death on the cross we are no longer debtors to the flesh. Our Father in heaven sent his son, Jesus, to pay off the debt incurred by our sin and has set us free to live by the spirit, joyfully serving our heavenly father.
There are only two kinds of people in this world: those who are of the the flesh and those who are of the spirit. The main difference between the two is not what we do outwardly, but who Jesus has made us inwardly. If you want to change how you think and what you do, Jesus must first change who you are.
The law is like a light. It exposes us and shows us our sin. But it cannot cleanse us. That's why Jesus came to do what the law could not do. He lived the perfect life we could never live and died the death we deserved. Why did he do this? To save us and set us free to live the life we were meant to live by the Spirit!
"I'm such a failure. Why can't I get my act together? God must be so disappointed with me." If we're honest, that's the way many of us feel in our fight against sin. But Romans 8:1 speaks into our shame-ridden, performance-minded heart with the truth that if we are in Christ, we are no longer under condemnation. We are accepted, loved, and ultimately set free because Christ was condemned in our place.