Understanding the True Nature of Jesus

A Reflection on John the Baptist’s Proclamation

We all have a tendency to become captivated by the allure of celebrities and sports icons. Everyone, it seems, has that story where they met someone famous, and they often cannot contain their excitement. There’s an impulse to go and share your run-in with greatness with everyone you know.

But how do our hearts respond when it comes to recognizing and proclaiming something far greater, something of eternal significance, such as the coming of Jesus Christ into our lives?

The story of John the Baptist as depicted in the Gospel of John offers a profound opportunity to explore this question. John the Baptist's encounter with Jesus, highlighted by his exclamation, "Look, the Lamb of God," serves as a powerful reminder of who Jesus is and the magnitude of His work. Through John’s declaration, we are given five aspects of Jesus’ identity that ignite our proclamation of Him to the world.

  1. The Lamb’s Purpose: Removing Sins of the World

    When John proclaims Jesus as the Lamb of God, he points us to the sacrificial system that is woven throughout biblical history. From the lamb provided in place of Isaac, to the Passover lamb whose blood marked the doors of God’s people, lambs symbolize sacrifice and salvation. Similarly, Jesus, as the Lamb of God, takes away the sins of the world not temporarily but permanently. Unlike the Old Testament sacrifices that offered temporary atonement, Jesus’ sacrifice completely removes sin. This calls us to rely not on our efforts to be better but on Jesus’ definitive act of salvation.

    Reflect on this truth: the gospel is about Jesus taking away our sins. We, who often try to rectify our wrongs with personal resolve, must understand that Jesus’ sacrifice negates the need for self-reliance in matters of salvation. It is only through trusting in the Lamb of God, who was once put to death yet rose victorious, do we find true freedom from our sins.

  2. The Lamb’s Preeminence: He Existed Before Time

    John’s declaration of Jesus’ pre-existence underscores His divine nature. In stating, “He existed before me,” John paints a picture of Jesus as more than a moral teacher or a historical figure, but as the eternal Son of God. Understanding Jesus' preeminence transforms our perspective; it reminds us that everything temporary pales in comparison to His eternal glory.

    Think about how this influences our daily existence. In a world obsessed with fleeting success and transient pleasures, recognizing Jesus’ eternality redirects our focus toward that which holds everlasting value—His kingdom and our relationship with Him.

  3. The Lamb’s Anointing: God’s Chosen King

    The moment when John witnessed the Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove was a testament to Jesus’ messianic identity. In the Old Testament, God’s anointed kings, like David, were marked by the Spirit. Jesus, too, was revealed as God’s chosen King, the Messiah who would establish His kingdom among all people.

    Jesus’ kingdom is not confined to the spiritual realm but encompasses all areas of life. Acknowledging Jesus as our King demands our allegiance and reshapes our priorities. In a world clamoring for our loyalty, we are called to kneel before the one true King who offers us an unshakeable kingdom.

  4. The Lamb’s Revelation: Who Jesus Truly Is

    John the Baptist admits, “I didn’t know him,” indicating that knowing Jesus comes through divine revelation. Despite being immersed in religious culture, true recognition of Jesus’ identity is gifted by God alone. This realization humbles us, reminding us that it’s not our intellect or effort that leads to understanding, but God’s grace.

    This truth liberates us from the burden of persuasive speech in evangelism, as we recognize that God is the one who opens hearts and minds. Our role is to faithfully share the message, trusting God to reveal Jesus to others in His timing.

  5. The Lamb’s True Identity: Son of God

    Ultimately, John asserts that Jesus is the Son of God—an expression of both His distinction and unity within the Godhead. Jesus’ identity as the Son of God does not denote inferiority but rather signifies His divine authority and rightful claim to all that God possesses. He who can lay claim to God’s glory was incarnated, lived among us, died sacrificially, and triumphantly rose again.

    This confession—that Jesus is God the Son—compels us to confront our perception of Him. Jesus is not merely a figure whose work we celebrate; He is the living God inviting us into a transformative relationship.

Conclusion: Who Is Jesus to You?

In pondering who Jesus is to us personally, we are reminded that our understanding must align with the truth of His identity. Jesus, the one who takes away sin, the eternal preeminent King, anointed by God, revealed through divine intervention, and the Son of God, calls for a response from each of us. Our proclamation of Him must be anchored in the full breadth of who He is.

So, as we endeavor to share this message with the world, we find guidance and growth in His Word. Together, as a community of believers, we deepen our understanding and faithfully proclaim, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” May our lives be a testament to this great truth, inviting others to discover who Jesus truly is.


The Irresistible Call


Finding Your True Identity and Purpose