In this last sermon in our series on the 10 Commandments we were reminded of the fact that breaking the tenth commandment, although often invisible to others, is simply one way to break the first commandment. Not coveting is really about trusting God for his provision for you, and ultimately for your salvation, which should in turn lead to worship of the one true God.
The Bible is clear that we should not lie to one another, but it goes even further to say that we should actively pursue and promote truth. This includes every avenue of our lives, at home, at work, and even the things we share online. Fortunately, because of our identity in Christ, we are free to leave behind our lies and deception and live in obedience to God's Word.
This commandment is straightforward enough. We shouldn't take what does not belong to us. But the implications go much deeper than that. Instead of taking things that we don't deserve, we should be willing to give our possessions to those that don't deserve them. We should be willing to follow Jesus' example and give up everything we have for the sake of others.
Because God created humans, he has the authority to speak into every area of our lives, including our sexuality. This week's sermon looked into God's clear word to us with regards to our sexuality, an example of a life lived in opposition to this word, and countless second chances for those who turn away from doing whatever is right in their own lives and seek healing at the foot of the Cross.
At first this seems like one of the easiest commandments to keep, but closer study shows that God is interested in more than us just not killing each other. God says that we should be so committed to not killing others that we should be on the opposite end of the spectrum and lay down our very lives for them.
This commandment may seem like it is just for kids, but it is for all ages and holds implications for parents as well. As adults we should model Godly obedience to our children, showing them what it means to obey and honor our heavenly father. We should ask God for His help in honoring our parents and in cultivating a God honoring home.
While there was no rest for the Israelites while they were slaves in Egypt, once God brought them away from there, rest was actually a requirement. He provided food for them each day in the form of quail and manna, including a double portion once a week so that they could rest the next day. Today, our rest should be in Jesus, enabling us to live a life of spiritual Sabbath rest.
Names are important. They help us understand who someone is and how to interact with them, and God is no different. His name is Holy and powerful and we should seek to share the name of Jesus with everyone, for it is by His name that we are saved.
In this story we see three things - 1. God is real, 2. God is speaking to His people, 3. God reveals himself to Israel through a mediator. In our day and age we don't often see people creating golden statues to worship, but we still try to remake God in our own image. We convince ourselves that our version of God is correct, whether or not it actually matches up with what scripture tells us.
This week we began our series walking through the Ten Commandments by looking at the first commandment "You shall have no other gods before me." To better understand what this meant, we looked at I Kings 18:20-40, where Elijah proves the power of the one true God and then at the story of Jesus resisting Satan's temptation in the desert. This should prompt us to examine our own lives and ask ourselves "How many Gods are you serving?"