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Most of us have a "song" that's replaying in our minds over and over again each day. It's a song of self-centered grumbling and anger. So how do we move from a heart of whining to a heart of worship? How do we get a different song in our heads that honors God and satisfies our souls? Our 4th and final 'G' gives us the answer: "God is gracious, never forget it!"
Only God can satisfy our deepest longings and desires. He alone is good. But so often we forget; our hearts are prone to wander. Thankfully he is patient with us even taking us through valleys to remind us that He is enough - he is all that we need. "God is Good, so we don't have to look elsewhere." That's the 3rd 'G' in our series.
Are you controlled by what others think of you? Do you crave their approval and fear their rejection? All of us, to some degree, struggle with the fear of man. It's a horrible way to live; enslaved by the opinions and expectations of others is absolute bondage. So, how can we be liberated from the fear of man and be motivated to love others instead? This week we look at the second 'G' namely, "God is Glorious, so we don't have to fear others."
We all struggle with the need for control. We want things to be secure in our world. But sooner or later, life has a way of spinning out of control and falling apart. In these moments, instead of looking to ourselves and grasping for more control, God comes to us as our safe and strong refuge. He invites us to let go and know that He is God. "God is GREAT, so we don't have to be in control." That's the first "G" in our series.