In this message, we explore "The Glory of the Incarnate Word," diving deep into the nature of Jesus Christ as both fully God and fully man. Examining John 1:14-18, we see that John emphasizes how Jesus displays God's glory, is the means by which we receive God's grace, and fully reveals God's character. This message has profound implications for our understanding of who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and why He should be the central focus of our lives as believers. If God's glory is displayed fully in Jesus Christ, this truth calls us to worship and devote ourselves fully to Him in all aspects of our lives, not just on Sunday mornings. It is through Jesus that we receive "grace upon grace" from God. This grace is not just something God does, but a fundamental aspect of who He is, and it's available to us through Christ. Furthermore, Jesus is the only way to truly know and see God. If we want to understand the Father, we must know the Son.