
Follow Me

In this exposition of John 1:43-51, we're invited to witness the transformative power of Jesus' call. The passage recounts how Jesus sought out Philip and Nathanael, challenging us to consider how He actively seeks us out today. We're reminded that our faith journey often begins not with our own initiative, but with Christ's loving pursuit of us. The story of Nathanael's skepticism and subsequent belief serves as a poignant reminder that our doubts and preconceptions can be overcome by a personal encounter with Jesus. As we reflect on this, we're encouraged to respond to Christ's invitation to 'come and see,' opening ourselves to the possibility of witnessing 'greater things' in our own lives. This message compels us to examine how we might be resisting God's call and challenges us to step out in faith, trusting that Jesus knows us more intimately than we know ourselves.


Behold the Lamb